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Taiwanese vegetarian feast 台灣素食美食饗宴

Writer: Darren YangDarren Yang

Hello Taiwan is honored to have collaborated with Norikoh Chelsea to host an exquisite Taiwanese vegetarian feast yesterday at the Taiwan Food Festival New York Manhattan Station, organized by the Overseas Community Affairs Council of Taiwan.

We invited the national banquet chefs from Taiwan, Wen Kuochih and Chen Juichang, to showcase Taiwan's vegetarian culture to the people of New York with their remarkable culinary skills and fresh ingredients.

The event attracted attendees from Tzu Chi Foundation, Fo Guang Shan, Hualien Tzu Hui Temple, and Chan Meditation Center as well as many food enthusiasts from New York. Hello Taiwan's founder, Patrick Huang, brought his entire family of twelve to show their support, and Vice Executive Director Darren Yang also assisted throughout the event and enjoyed mingling with the guests.

In addition, we are deeply grateful for the presence and guidance of Director Forest Chen and Director Peggy Huang from the OCAC amidst their busy schedules.

Next, Hello Taiwan will head to Pittsburgh on August 13th (Sun) with the two masters to present another delightful culinary experience. If you are interested, feel free to sign up at

Hello Taiwan非常榮幸能於昨日與Norikoh Chelsea一起策畫了一場極品台灣蔬食饗宴, 由台灣僑委會所舉辦的台灣美食巡迴展紐約曼哈頓站, 邀請來自台灣的國宴主廚 溫國智與陳瑞昌老師透過那巧奪天工般的手藝搭配上新鮮的食材, 將台灣的蔬食文化帶到了紐約客的面前。這場饗宴也吸引了來自紐約慈濟基金會與佛光山以及花蓮慈惠堂和法鼓山東初禪寺的師兄師姐們, 以及紐約許多饕客們一同參加, Hello Taiwan創辦人黃再添更是全家12人出動前來支持, 副執行長楊承融也是全程協助並與在場嘉賓們寒暄共歡,更重要的是非常感謝僑委會陳永豐主任與黃儷萱主任百忙之中的蒞臨指導。 接下來Hello Taiwan亦會在8/13(Sun)前往匹茲堡, 與兩位大師帶來另一場美食饗宴, 有興趣的朋友歡迎報名



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